I have a very low tolerance threshold for adverts; I largely stopped watching TV becasue of them (atually I no longer have a TV so I guess it would be more accurate to say I stopped watching TV because of them); not only are the adverts irritating in content, but the volumne was usually a lot higher than the TV show wrapped around them.
Adverts on the Internet have gone through various stages and varying annoyances with the current set not being too bad. Of sites I use regularly, arstehnica is by far the worst with adverts taking over the entire front page.
That said, it’s not actually adverts which are bothering me so much at the momernt, but sites with automatically playing videos. This “feature” has grown in popularity in recent times with many news sites having one, or more, autplay videos on almost every page.
Well, with the death of Opera 12 a few years ago, I made the transition to Vivaldi a while ago. This is a Chromium based browser which gives you access to Extensions in the chrome web store.
The best extension I’ve found for stopping autoplay videos is HTML5 Video Autoplay Blocker. Part of the reason for this post, is because I work on a variety of machines at work and home and keep having problems finding the extension, so I figured doing a step by step post to find and install the extension would help me remember.
To download the Extension, launch Vivaldi and click the menu button in the top left followed by
When the Extensions page opens, click the Get more extensions link at the bottom left:
In the search field, type HTML5 autoplay
and hit return. HTML5 Video Autoplay Blocker will be included in the returned extensions. Click the ADD TO CHROME button:
Click Add extension when prompted to begin the installation:

One the extension has been installed, it’ll be listed on the Extensions page:
Clicking the ,em>Options link for the plugin will show the white list of sites which won’t be blocked; you can add or remove sites from this list:

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